Video Game Pin Collection

D316E4FF-F338-452F-898B-EEA87B30BD4EI am obsessed with pins. Just like how I’m obsessed with Breath of the Wild, little plastic dinosaurs, and Pizza Hut’s creamy-garlic-parmesan-sauce pepperoni pizza. I discovered my love/need for pins a little over a year ago, and even though my wallet gently weeps about it, I couldn’t be more happier. There’s just something about putting a pin on your shirt/purse/bookbag/camera strap that brings an outfit together. It takes it from a 100 to a 1000. My pin collection is all over the place (kinda like my life); from video games to cute kawaii stuff, from X-files to Star Wars. I tried keeping it one themed (color-wise or theme-wise so that when I put them all together on a pin board it’d look super amazing), but the truth of the matter is, I like A LOT of stuff. Generally, if I like it and think it’s super cute or super cool, it’s gotta be mine.

So anywho, this post is dedicated to my video game pin collection. If we were looking at a pie chart right now, 40% would be filled with “video games”.

Alrighty! On with the show!

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This Meowth is holding a pokeball and it is stupid cute. I just love the little x’s covering it’s lil bootyhole. Back when Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector was popular, there were a whole bunch of adorable kitty pins that were styled like the kitties in the game. I think this was around the same time that Pokemon Go came out, and since I’m all about that Pokemon life, as soon as I saw this particular pin, I fell in love. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you where it’s from because the online store I got it from has been disabled 😦

Processed with VSCO with c1 presetThis next pin caught my eye because its purple and sparkly and I love purple sparkly things. Also, the fact that it’s a freaking Nintendo 64 controller, which is probably my favorite controller of all time. I know that a lot of gamers hate this controller because it’s really uncomfortable, but I dunno, I like it! It’s weird, awkward, looks like a 3 and I like that. Or maybe it’s the nostalgia. I have a lot of fond memories about this controller, mostly because it was the first console that I was allowed to play (my brother and cousins always needed a 4th player for Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Diddy Kong Racing, Golden Eye, or Turok).  ANYWHO, I liked it so I bought it. If I ever see a sparkly ps3 controller, I’ll buy it too!

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset“Link is angry because he knows how awful the n64 controller is.” – Erik (my bf) Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
If you also like the N64 controller and want to add it to your collection, check out Famtastic Apparel.

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How adorable is this Pokemon Snap pin? I’m a photographer so OFCOURSE I had to get this pin from The Yetee (yes, they sell pins too!) I never played Pokemon Snap as a kid since I didn’t own a N64, but I played it way later with my boyfriend’s. It’s amazing and I really wish Nintendo would make a new version. (Pokemon Go doesn’t count, ok?) In Pokemon Sun/Moon they had a camera feature, but I want a full blown Pokemon Snap game where the only mission is “Gotta Photograph ‘Em All”.

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Probably my favorite pin ever: the Chain Chomp/BB8 mashup from BB-cre8. I am a huge sucker for chained pins because I can wear them with collared shirts & dresses and it looks hella good. When I saw this mashup, I couldn’t resist. First of all, BB8! Duh! And secondly, Chain Chomp is my favorite Super Mario baddie. Honestly, it’s just misunderstood. All it wants to do is play! When I bought this guy, I was playing A Link to the Past for the first time and Chain Chomp makes an appearance in that game. I think I had just gone through this scene, so my feelings toward this cuteness were fresh and one thing lead to another and boom, it was mine!


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Ok, so my boyfriend loves Mega Man. When I say he loves Mega Man, I mean he rrrreally loves Mega Man. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m 76% sure that he loves Mega Man more than he loves me. One of these days I’ll show you his Mega Man collection and you’re going to fall down the stairs in shock.
When I first started dating Erik, he challenged me to play all the Mega Man games. And I did (with the exception of Mega Man X). I played Mega Man 1-10, Mega Man & Bass, Mega Man Legends, Mega Man Powered Up (Which btw, I’m so mad at Capcom for never releasing this amazing game-the BEST Mega Man game in my humble opinion- on any other console other than the PSP. UGH CAPCOM WHY).
He was impressed. Damn right he was.
Anyway, back to pin talk…Erik and I found this ProtoMan pin, in a pin set also featuring Mega Man, Roll, Dr. Light, and Wily, at ThinkGeek. ThinkGeek had just opened at Dolphin Mall and it was our first purchase. We got matching sets because we’re nerds. Out of all the Mega Man characters, I think my favorite is ProtoMan. He’s just so mysterious, ya know? I also like Beat. There needs to be a Beat pin!

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Because my boyfriend’s love for Mega Man has rubbed off on me (or perhaps it’s because Mega Man simply reminds me of him) I added this pin from SquaredCo to my collection. I love drawing Mega Man’s helmet for some reason, soooo yeah. SquaredCo also has ProtoMan, Zero, and Xs’ helmets so if you’re into that you should check it out.

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It’s a surfing Pikachu. Nuff said.
From Blake Jones.

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I LOVE Kirby. Kirby was my first favorite Video Game character and so when I saw that OtherWorldShop had the Star Rod, my eyes turned into huge hearts. It’s the cutest thing, isn’t it?? I would really love to own more adorable Kirby pins. (Totally off topic, but I’d love Sailor Moon’s Crescent Moon wand and the Spiral Heart Moon rod in this pin form. Heck, I’d love to see all of the Sailor Scouts’ transformation pens too! I’D BUY THEM ALL!!)

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I really love the style of this I Choose You pin from SuperTeamDeluxe. If I had my way, I’d have the same hand holding either a rupee, a 1-up mushroom, or a bell bag from Animal Crossing. That’d look cute, no?  Yes.
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Snorlax and Chill is hilarious and that’s basically why I got this pin. If you think it’s hilarious too, you can get it at The Sunday Co.

My most recent pin purchase is this Master Sword pin from JustPeachy. This is actually my first Legend of Zelda pin and I’m actually quite horrified that it took me that long to acquire one. For those that don’t know, I am currently obsessed with Breath of the Wild. Heck, I’m obsessed with everything Zelda. I’m actually on a journey right now, playing through all the Zelda games (some for the very first time!). Besides BotW (since that’s gonna take me 4ever and a day because I never want it to end), I’m also currently playing Link’s Awakening. This is my first time playing it and I gotta say, I really like it! I absolutely love the Ballad of the Wind Fish song. It’s been on repeat for days.

So, I realize that I want need more Kirby, Zelda, Animal Crossing (I DON’T HAVE ANY OF THOSE WHAT), and Metroid pins. (I have a Metroid pin that I haven’t taken any photos of yet, but I will soon!) Also, I’d love some Bioshock pins. Bioshock Infinite was the first first-person shooter game I beat and ugh it was so good and I just want some ok.
I also want a Boo pin.

I just really want to see more cute video game themed pins out there. If I could, I would totally design and make some of my own, but alas I was not graced with those creative drawing juices. If you know some pins that I would totally love, send their links my way! 🙂 ❤



*All stores have been tagged. All pictures taken by me 🙂


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